How To Break The Diet Cycle

As health coach practitioners we hear these comments time and time again:

 “I found a great diet and lost weight but I have now put the weight back on”

 “The diet I had was too restrictive and I felt guilty when I didn’t stick to it”

 “I’ve over done it recently, I’m going to go on a diet again!”

This showcases the yo-yo relationship that we have with dieting. Fulling the Binge Restrict cycle.

But what other options are out there? See my top tips below to find food freedom and break the diet cycle!

Listen to your hunger cues

Our bodies are really clever and tell us when we require more fuel to function properly. Learning how to listen to your hunger cues is a key component of becoming a more mindful and intuitive eater. When you eat when you're hungry (and not over-hungry) your blood sugar doesn't swing from high to low and you're able to make better nutritionally-sound food choice.

Eat a varied whole food diet

Eat foods that help to promote feelings of satisfaction and include foods from all food groups. Having a balanced whole food diet will help you feel fuller for longer which in turn reduces cravings! Win win! Simply put, whole foods are foods that are either not processed at all, or processed minimally. Examples include whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables. Think foods that don’t need labels listing different unpronounceable ingredients.

Understand your cravings:

If you have a craving for something, ask yourself: What is this craving telling me? Sometimes it’s a true physical craving. Often, it is a metaphor for an unmet need or underlying emotion.

Steer away from labelling foods as “good” and “bad”

Avoiding “bad” foods can lead to feelings of deprivation which ultimately leads to cravings and overeating. Instead focus on variety and eating foods that make you feel good!

Consult with an expert:

Unsure of where to start? Feeling nervous to throw out diets for good? That’s completely normal and I can guide you through this process and help you find food freedom. Schedule a free consultation here.


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